Growing up fishing the pristine trout waters of Northern Michigan, Phil developed an affinity for catching all species on the fly from the small lakes and streams surrounding his home. With his early adult years leading to a successful career as a master carpenter, the groundwork was set for Phil to build some of the most beautiful and functional wooden drift boats imaginable. Now Croff Craft Enterprises creates artful, yet tough as nails, custom drift boats to meet the feature and aesthetic needs of those who desire not just a drift boat, but an heirloom that truly blends with the beauty of the waters they float.
But his talents and flare for the outdoors don't stop at boat building. As an accomplished quide (CC Guide Service) and fly tyer, Phil spends as much time on the water with clients as he does in the woodshop. Over the years, his love of fly fishing and guiding has become slightly more specialized. After the sun sets and the big browns start to eat, Phil's guiding clients through the dark of night using custom mouse patterns to pursue giant browns on his home waters. A rare talent indeed.